trasformazione aziendale

An innovative course for managers and entrepreneurs

Forget everything you know about training courses and join us on a journey to discover new organisational practices.

A programme for:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Team Leaders
  • Managers

have chosen us

2 weekends of an interactive programme that will transform the way you manage the growth of your business and enable you to achieve results in any context.

🗓️ Abbiamo delle date? 



with data


with agility


for the success

What is it all about?

Decide Adapt Transform is a dynamic programme based on the experiences of the participants.

Starting with a case study, we will develop strategies and decisions based on data.

We will immediately put our plan to the test with an algorithm that provides real-time feedback (the results of our initiatives).

You will be able to apply what you have learned right from the start.

Transform your company by building on your existing capabilities: our programme takes you on a journey of adaptation and evolution, where each step strengthens your strategy, execution and leadership, turning challenges into opportunities without giving up what you have built.

Learning in a changing context

Do you know the classic training courses? 
Forget them. This is not the case.


Traditional training tends to transfer: concepts, tools and methodologies that need to be reworked for business use.

Although these courses are often accompanied by project work, the practical application is much more complex. This is because they often focus on specific contexts.

However, when contexts change, doubts and uncertainties arise.

This is a limitation, especially in companies where contexts are constantly changing.

As a result, the effectiveness of practical application is reduced.

On average, only 30% of what is learned is applied.

This training programme, on the other hand, is designed so that managers and entrepreneurs can immediately apply 100 per cent of what they learn.

Tailored to the experience of the participants

Begins with a real case study

Quickly applied on your own organization

Algorithm with real-time solutions

The aim is to provide a compass to help you navigate the growing complexity of everyday life.
A ready-to-use guide to help you define and achieve your business goals at every stage.

Will we teach you
how to do your job? No way!

This is not our style either.


At Redlab we believe that you are the best person to lead your company or team.

We simply provide techniques, tools and mindsets to improve your skills.

Think of us as a coach for a professional tennis player.
The player already has excellent techniques and skills.
The coach only provides the tools and mindset for winning strategies and tactics.

You don't have what you know, you value what you have.
Our programme focuses on adaptation and evolution, not total change.

We present TAD

Participants will work on a real business case and analyse various aspects of it.

Learning will come from the group itself and will be enhanced by our algorithm, which will provide real-time feedback on the decisions made.

We will look at the results from both a qualitative and quantitative point of view.

The qualitative ones, we will evaluate together with the facilitators acting as coaches.

The quantitative ones, where the real strength of the programme lies, will be evaluated by an algorithm (TAD). This algorithm processes the participants’ input and calculates the key success indicators in the different scenarios.

A simulator of the real contexts in which companies operate, fed by real-life case studies.

In this way, participants are confronted with scenarios that are similar to the working reality.

They will see the impact of their decisions in real time by acquiring a decision-making methodology.

This develops a mindset focused on reading and interpreting the context and the opportunities to be seized for decision making and the rapid application of corrective actions.

 Date: … da definire

📍 Luogo: Doha 

Follow up: 2 sessions after 45 days and 3 months after the end of the programme.

Follow-ups are individual conversations with the facilitators to assess the actual results of the programme.

If necessary, adjustments are then made to increase the effectiveness of the programme, in full accordance with the programme approach.

Interactivity + Experience Sharing
The formula that will enable you to apply everything you have experienced during the course in your company.

What you will take home

The programme immerses you in a real company where you will make operational decisions in real contexts.

This is the way to learn and, according to research, to take home at least 90% of what you learn. Immediately after the course, you will be able to apply what you have learned in the company and see immediate benefits.


  1. You will develop a mindset for collecting and analysing critical data.
  2. You will develop adaptive strategies and put them into action.
  3. You will learn to align teams for greater agility and collaboration.
  4. You willanticipate market changes, achieving goals with agility.
  5. You will improve feedback management, supporting the growth of colleagues.
  6. You will share experiences in a context of psychological safety.

Corporate benefits:

  1. Increase talent attraction and retention.
  2. Optimise margins and ROI on new projects.
  3. Simplify processes, reduce stress and increase motivation and engagement.

What the participants said

Corso molto apprezzato e interessante. Grande coinvolgimento e interazione che facilitano l'apprendimento. Assolutamente consigliato!

Pasquale Tatavitto​


Ottimo corso, pratico ed interattivo, che aiuta a capire molto su come gestire i rapporti all'interno di un'azienda e come puntare su obiettivi comuni.

Pietro Gagliano​


Un'esperienza fantastica grazie a coach di alto livello. I formatori sono stati fantastici così come il gruppo di lavoro con cui è stato fantastico collaborare.

Michele Petrillo

Intesa San Paolo

The 8 dimensions

We will look at eight critical aspects of business operations.

The programme will focus on each of these dimensions. This will give us a comprehensive view of the levers we can pull to maximise your organisation’s performance.

  1. Context: we will learn how to interpret data and business reality to turn information into decisions.
  2. Strategy: we will define flexible business strategies while maintaining a clear vision of the goal.
  3. Execution: we will explore methods to execute with flexibility, focus and alignment.
  4. Roles: we will innovate the definition of roles and activities, avoiding redundancies and improving organisational clarity.
  5. Meeting and interactions: we will optimise interactions and meetings to maximise value and collaboration.
  6. Review and adaptability: we will develop the ability to adapt and revise strategies to achieve objectives.
  7. Sales and Value: we will integrate marketing and sales with a data-driven approach, emphasising value in every interaction.
  8. The Greatest Wealth: Wwe will create working environments that motivate and inspire people to achieve ambitious goals. We will focus on creating work environments that give people complete clarity about their contribution.
Forget the usual training courses!

An experiential path does not need teachers but facilitators.

The facilitators of this edition of the programme are:
Marco & Raffaela

Marco Scarpellino

Strategy Execution Expert

Imprenditore con oltre 15 anni di esperienza in contesti internazionali e ad elevata crescita.

Raffaela Iasevoli

Organization Development Expert

Specialista delle Risorse Umane con oltre 12 anni di esperienza in PMI operanti in settori innovativi.

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Get an interactive demo of all the Hoopi features and abilities. We are here to assist and guide you throughout the process.

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© copyright Redlab Solution 2024

Scrivere degli ottimi KR

Scopri gli elementi fondamentali per la definizione di un ottimo KR.

Guida all'Autonomia

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SOIR 2023 - OKR

Scopri come implementare gli OKR nella tua organizzazione. 

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Decidi Adatta Trasforma – ENG

Scopri gli indicatori di successo della tua strategia organizzativa per avere una visione sempre aggiornata di ciò che conta davvero per te e per il tuo team.

OKR Starter Pack

Preparatevi ad intraprendere il vostro entusiasmante viaggio verso l’implementazione degli OKR con il nostro OKR Starter Pack!

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Trasforma il tuo ambiente di lavoro in un ecosistema di competenze e responsabilità per attrarre i migliori talenti e potenziare l’engagement delle persone. 

Decidi Adatta Trasforma – ENG

Fai emergere lo scopo profondo che guida il tuo business e fallo risplendere dentro e fuori dalla tua organizzazione attraverso un’esperienza immersiva piena di energia.

Decidi Adatta Trasforma – ENG

Inizia subito il tuo entusiasmante viaggio verso l’implementazione degli OKR.

Decidi Adatta Trasforma – ENG

Potenzia la tua strategia di goal setting e raggiungi livelli di adozione degli OKR sempre più sfidanti con il nostro servizio di coaching on demand OKR Clinique.

Decidi Adatta Trasforma – ENG

Ridisegna le tue riunioni aziendali rendendole vivaci, coinvolgenti e con risultati concreti.

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Scopri come implementare gli OKR nella tua organizzazione. 

OKR “Making the case”

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La tecnica delle 5S

Una breve guida su come migliorare l’efficienza nella tua azienda, eliminando gli sprechi. 

Che la forza del Lean sia con te

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