Information material

We have written something for you!

In this section you will find all the material and information you need to improve the way you work and increase your performance.

We will always be at your side!

Let the power of Lean be with you

Discover the benefits that Lean methods have brought to Italian companies that have decided to optimise their processes.

OKRs in Action

Harnessing Energy for Common Strategies: How to Implement OKRs in Your Organization

Guide to Autonomy

Discover how autonomy can unlock the potential of team members, stimulate growth, innovation and long-term success.

Writing great KRs

Learn about the fundamental elements of defining an excellent KR.

The 5S technique

A quick guide to improving efficiency in your business by eliminating waste.

5S Restaurants

More efficient restaurants with Lean Six Sigma: rethink the way activities are carried out and organised and make changes that reduce waste and increase productivity and profitability.

OKR “Making the case”

Find out why OKRs are necessary for your organisation and the key benefits of implementing them.

Step by step OKR

Find out how to implement OKRs in your organisation.


Discover the trends and key aspects of OKR use across all sectors, globally.

SOIR 2023 - OKR

A comprehensive exploration of the dynamic landscape of OKRs, emerging practices, and the transformative impact they have on organizations.

An unprecedented set of phenomena is reshaping the world of work, and current ways of working are no longer sufficient to respond to the pace of change around us.

Download the information you need to lead your organisation to new and better ways of working, optimising time and resources and setting ambitious goals.

our webinar

Redlab: dalla teoria alla pratica

Aperitivo a tema OKR

Che la forza del LEAN sia con te

Scrivere degli ottimi KR

Scopri gli elementi fondamentali per la definizione di un ottimo KR.

OKRs in Action

Harnessing Energy for Common Strategies: How to Implement OKRs in Your Organization

SOIR 2023 - OKR

Scopri come implementare gli OKR nella tua organizzazione. 

Guides and Handbooks

Discover the success indicators of your organizational strategy to get an up-to-date view of what really matters to you and your team.

Guides and Handbooks

Check up organizzativo che a partire dalla definizione della mission aziendale fa una fotografia delle competenze già presenti nell’organizzazione e di quelle da sviluppare per realizzare la strategia di business.

OKR in azione

Unire le energie per strategie comuni: come implementare gli OKR nella tua organizzazione

Business Design

Define, adopt and optimize your business model through a winning strategy and innovative solutions. The goal? To thrive in an ever-changing marketplace.

Guides and Handbooks

Scopri gli indicatori di successo della tua strategia organizzativa per avere una visione sempre aggiornata di ciò che conta davvero per te e per il tuo team.

OKR Starter Pack

Get ready to start your exciting journey towards OKR implementation with our OKR Starter Pack!

Job Design

Transform your workplace into an ecosystem of skills and responsibilities to attract top talent and increase employee engagement.

Purpose Discovery

Uncover the deep purpose that drives your business and let it shine in and out of your organization through an immersive, energizing experience.

OKR Maturity Model

Assess your organization’s maturity to OKR implementation and tackle change with confidence and success.

OKR Clinique

Improve your goal setting strategy and achieve ever higher levels of OKR adoption with our on-demand OKR Clinique coaching service.

Meeting Design

Redesign your business meetings by making them lively, engaging and with results-driven.

SOIR 2022 - OKR

Scopri come implementare gli OKR nella tua organizzazione. 

Step by step OKR

Scopri come implementare gli OKR nella tua organizzazione. 

OKR “Making the case”

Scopri perché gli OKR sono necessari alla tua organizzazione ed i principali vantaggi derivanti dalla loro implementazione. 

5S ristoranti

Ristoranti più efficienti con il Lean Six Sigma: ripensa al modo in cui le attività vengono svolte e organizzate e conduci cambiamenti che portano a ridurre gli sprechi ed incrementare produttività e redditività. 

La tecnica delle 5S

Una breve guida su come migliorare l’efficienza nella tua azienda, eliminando gli sprechi. 

Che la forza del Lean sia con te

Scopri i benefici che le metodologie Lean hanno apportato alle aziende italiane che hanno deciso di ottimizzare i propri processi.